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Nature Grandparenting: Share your Autumn

Witness seasonal changes in nature with your grandchild this fall. 


Contact about late registration (pro-rated rates available).

The Nature Grandparenting program is designed for grandparents to experience nature with their 3-5 year old grandchild.  Many grandparents are in an ideal position to act as a nature mentor in the lives of their grandchildren. With practical ideas and age-appropriate activities shared each week, grandparents will have fun weaving a connection to nature into the special relationship they have with their grandchild. 

Participants will need to dress for the weather and should be comfortable being active outdoors for an hour.  Public washrooms are available on site for use. An information package will be sent out to  participants before program start-up.

Participants: Grandparent and grandchild (ages 3-5) pairs. Group size will be capped at 10 pairs to maintain a quality experience. 

Location: Saskatoon’s Gabriel Dumont Park

Dates:Thursday Mornings, September 12th - October 17th 9:30 - 10:40 a.m.

Cost: $90.00 per pair ($15.00/session x 6 sessions)

An information package will be sent out to registered participants before program start-up.

We look forward to sharing autumn with you and your grandchild! 
